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3 Ways to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone When Traveling – What to Know
November 6, 2019

Travel has many meanings for different people, but for the most part, it highlights relaxation and a time to recharge the batteries away from a familiar place. Beyond aiming for creating the ultimate getaway weekend, some dedicated travelers take the thought of travel up a notch by viewing it as a liberating experience.

5 Reasons to Take a Backpacking Trip After Graduation
October 29, 2019

Upon finishing school, young people often find themselves at a unique crossroads in their lives. While some may feel the need to rush into the corporate world, others want to take an alternate route. Many new graduates feel the urge to take a break and travel before they start a lifetime of work and responsibilities. It may seem like a detour, but it’s a scenic road that may very well lead to golden opportunities.

4 Reasons Why Backpacking Will Change Your Life for the Better
October 21, 2019

When the term “backpacking” comes to mind, most people think of travelling the world in relative discomfort. It’s a stark contrast from the free-and-easy feel that comes with globetrotting with tour groups. With a rise in adrenaline junky-ism taking the traveling and tourism industries by storm, however, it is understandable that the interest in backpacking is increasing.

Our Guide to a Smooth Solo Backpacking Travel Experience
October 15, 2019

Group travel can be fun and exciting, but it can also be tiring and frustrating, especially when you have travel mates that don’t share your vision of a vacation. Do you want to travel on your own terms? If so, perhaps a solo backpacking trip should be in your sights!

3 Ways to Cope with Traveling Fears
October 7, 2019

Many people from different parts of the globe have a wanderlust that makes them yearn to explore new places, but there’s one part of traveling that isn’t as exciting: flying. In between costly fairs, airport delays, long waiting lines, and lost luggage, flying can be a hassle for a lot of travelers. However, there are a few that see flying as a terrifying ordeal, causing them to halt their travel plans in the process.

Our Tips for Packing Light to Phuket
September 26, 2019

Happiness is the first and foremost reason for people to travel to tropical destinations such as Phuket. However, you may not enjoy the journey very much if it involves carrying several overstuffed bags around wherever you go. It’s quite a hassle to transport bags filled with non-essential items, especially when you plan to move around and stay at several places during your trip...

What to Consider When Booking Hostels in Advance
September 19, 2019

When you’re planning a trip, one of the first questions you need to ask yourself is, “How far in advance should I book a hostel?” This is an important question, and you need to figure out how to answer it. You can’t afford to let it fall through the cracks, especially if you want to end up staying at a great hostel. In the next section, we'll talk about the things that you need to consider when booking a hostel in advance. We hope this article based on others’ experiences will help you plan your trip.

9 Tips To Give You the Best Solo Traveling Experience in Phuket
September 10, 2019

Are you about to travel with no one but a backpack as your companion? You may feel daunted by the task, but do not fret! We have your back. Here are nine tips to make your solo traveling experience much more enjoyable!

5 Lessons to Learn from Backpacking
September 4, 2019

For many people, backpacking can prove to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience that is unlike anything else in this world. If you’re looking for a different way to travel and explore the world, then your best bet is to put on a backpack and set out on a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Beginner and veteran travelers recognize backpacking as one of the unique travel experiences because of the ups, downs, and struggles that comprise the entire journey from point to point. Although there are many things to experience and take from going on a backpacking trip, there’s one particular take-away to watch out for that you won’t be able to find anywhere else, which is life lessons. If you’ve been on several backpacking trips, you’ll realize that there’s more to learn from traveling.

The 5 Things You Will Enjoy While Backpacking
August 29, 2019

Traveling provides an excellent opportunity to meet new people and experience different cultures. If you travel a lot and consider yourself as a traveler, you know that the backpack is one of your best tools! Backpacking comes with a myriad of benefits, but more than you realize. Here are five benefits you enjoy when backpacking: